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 defend percos it's possible

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3 participants
Pepe (Mani)
Chasseur de Bouftou
Pepe (Mani)

Messages : 79
Date d'inscription : 20/03/2015
Age : 27
Localisation : Colombia

defend percos it's possible Empty
MessageSujet: defend percos it's possible   defend percos it's possible Icon_minitimeLun 15 Fév - 1:56

Hello everyone I open this topic to discuss whether there may be a team to defend percos layers without die trying Dofus has many characters, but always the same used for pvp

there is a combination capable of destroying the enemy and prevent eliminate perco?

many races are not used and can be perfect for the defense example : tyma -can push the enemy far

selatrop-He is able to put a portal and all the quipo attack on one person in 1 turn and kill

not only use different characters also use a beast team defense example 4 fecas and one zobal

I think it's possible to create a team of this type do not you believe?

They can be written in French I translate thank you very much for your attention
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Pisteur de Tofu

Messages : 178
Date d'inscription : 23/07/2015
Age : 26
Localisation : New Zealand

defend percos it's possible Empty
MessageSujet: Re: defend percos it's possible   defend percos it's possible Icon_minitimeLun 15 Fév - 2:46

The best team for defense is I think


With this team you can have alot of defense and damage
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Ami du Korriandre

Messages : 2932
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2012
Age : 27
Localisation : Totoroooo

defend percos it's possible Empty
MessageSujet: Re: defend percos it's possible   defend percos it's possible Icon_minitimeLun 15 Fév - 6:50

Defend a perceptor is just too dangerous... If they attack our perco, we can however attack them in return ^^.
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defend percos it's possible Empty
MessageSujet: Re: defend percos it's possible   defend percos it's possible Icon_minitime

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defend percos it's possible
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